Forest Conservation

Forest Stewardship Management Plan (FSMP)

The Lois Green-Sligo Chapter is guided in its forest conservation activities by the FSMP. This 19 page report, dated June 19, 2009, is located below. Our Objectives are to manage our “…woodland primarily for improving Fish and Wildlife Habitat Improvement and secondarily for Natural Heritage, Recreation and Aesthetics…are also interested in observing wildflowers, attracting and observing wildlife, aesthetics, soil and water conservation, study of wetlands and aquatic life, protection of rare and endangered flora and fauna, protection of unique geological features, nature studies, recreational trails, a source of relaxation and quality for cost share incentives…”

Forest Stewardship Plan LGS IWLA 2009.pdf


Woodland Stewardship Education

The University of Maryland Extension's Woodland Stewardship Education program offers and shares a variety of webinars, workshops, publications and educational programs for woodland owners, natural resource professionals, and interested citizens across Maryland. Please consider participating in one of these offerings. 

More information is available at